Pennie McNair

With a passion to inspire and encourage readers in their Christian faith, Pennie McNair takes the assignment that God has called her to do very seriously.  For this reason, you will always find Jesus Christ at the center of her writing. McNair's focal point has always been the challenges that young people, as well as adults, are faced with in today's society.  Read More!


Pennie McNair's Work

Inspiring others through her personal experiences, Pennie is the author of 4 motivational pieces of literature.


After having done all you can do, STAND - A Caregiver's Guide for Hope

Almost everyone can relate to losing someone close.  

If you or someone you know has been the caregiver of a loved one, let this book encourage you, strengthen you, and give you hope through this journey. This book will give you valuable tools, pitfalls to avoid, and steps to take at the end of your journey. Know this: you will get through it because God is faithful. He will keep the temptation of quitting and giving up from becoming so strong that you cannot stand up against it.  



THE Rock

This suspense novel is spun from Pennie McNair's book Who's Keeping the Home. Leaving home for the first time in her life to embrace the college life, Anna Mathis was ready to make her own choices and take on the ""free at last"" stance, which so many high school graduates have adopted. Now she is to embark on a whole new life with her son. For years, Anna has been haunted by her past and has faced the scrutiny of campus rape that cost her many unfortunate setbacks. But nothing could have prepared her for the shocking surprises that lay ahead.

With multiple characters and story lines intertwined in their mutual quest for God's love and forgiveness, The Rock will grip you with its intensity and spirituality.


Who's Keeping the home?

Think of a precious diamond. Now think about the homes across America. No one who owns a diamond would ever be so careless as to throw it about or leave it lying around. In fact, you would harness it into safekeeping. But in the eyes of God, the family is more valuable than a diamond. No one would take a hammer and crush an expensive diamond, but so many homes are crushed under the weight of ungodliness propagated in the home. Children should be safeguarded and taught love in the home, but that is all too often not the case.

Author Pennie McNair describes four killers of homes today and how these are greatly impacting the next generation. A prowler is on the loose and determined to destroy families, but McNair offers five steps to prevent this ravenous executor from invading your home. Explore the truth and gain hope for a bright future for your own family of precious gems.


"Born Again to Win" will help you apply the principles of your inheritance to overcome adversity and win. In this book Pennie McNair unveils the enemy's ploys to steal the believer's inheritance. She explains who the enemy really is and the three major tactics he uses to keep God's people from enjoying abundant life and walking in victory. She also shares how we can use our spiritual weapons to stop him in his tracks. Find out about the denominational doctrine "once-saved-always-saved" and why the author says it is biblically incorrect.